Companion Who Runs The Fastest

"Salamah Ibn Al-Akwa"
The Only Companion Who Runs The Fastest

Salamah Ibn Al-Akwa, Companion Who Runs The Fastest

Salamah Ibn al-Akwa (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) is one of the notable narrators of the hadith. He is known as an excellent athlete and very fast runner and is said to be able to run faster than a horse and his screams can be heard up to 5 miles away.

His full name is "Salamah Ibn Al-Aqwa' Al-Aslami". During Prophet Muhammad's (ﷺ) era, he was the commander in the Expedition of Dhu Qarad. The Expedition of Dhu Qarad, also known as the Expedition of Ghazwa, took place in September 627 AD, 6 AH of the Islamic calendar. Some scholars say that this battle took place in the 12th month of 6 AH, just before Khyber. 

A Truthful Person:

His son Ilyaas summed up all his virtues in just one sentence: "My father never lied." Explaining this single virtue makes a person worthy of a high position among the pious and virtuous people. Salamah ibn al-Akwa (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) 'attained the position to which he was entitled. Salamah ibn al-Akwa (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) was one of the rarest spearmen in Arabia, but he was also known for his courage, generosity and philanthropy. He sincerely surrendered to Islam. Then it was Islam that adapted his personality to his system.

The Most Skillful warrior:

He was one of the most skilled infantry fighters and one of the best archery and javelin throwers. His strategy was similar to that of modern-day guerrilla warfare: if an enemy approaches, he retreats or retreats, waiting for him to rest so that he can attack him in amazement. Ibn Hasan al-Fazari, who raided the outskirts of Madinah in the raid of Dhi Qarad, all alone Arrived with a large number of.
On that day the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said to the Companions, "Our best infantryman is Salamah ibn Al Akwa".

A Generous Person:

Salamah ibn al-Akwa (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) was very generous. However, when asked to give something for the sake of Allah, they were more than that. If someone told him to give his life for Allah, he would not hesitate to do so. People knew his attitude, so when someone needed something, they would ask for it only for Allah. He always said that if one does not give for the sake of Allah, then for whom will he give?

Never Aware Of The Deep Sorrow And Anxiety Except Once:
Salamah ibn al-Akwa (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) was never aware of the deep sorrow and anxiety except when his brother Amir Ibn Al-Akwa (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) died in the battle of Khyber. In this battle, Amir wanted to kill a polytheist with his sword. However, his sword fell and the blade wounded him fatally. Some Muslims said, "Poor Amir, he has lost his martyrdom."

Salamah's (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) anxiety was severe because he thought, like everyone else, that his brother, who had accidentally taken his own life, was deprived of the reward of jihad and the reward of martyrdom. But soon the Prophet (ﷺ) put these things in the correct order when Salamah ibn al-Akwa (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) came to him saying this.

"O Messenger of Allah, is it true that by dying in this way `Aamir has been deprived of the rewardof all his previous deeds?" The Messenger (ﷺ) answered, "He has been killed as a mujahid. He is to be granted two rewards. He is right now swimmingin the rivers of Paradise."

Migrated And Settled In Ar-Rabzah:

On the day of Uthman's (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) assassination, the great Mujahid came to know that the door of sedition had opened. How is it possible for a person who has been fighting among his brothers all his life to become a fighter against his brothers? He did not have the right to use his fighting skills, as defined by the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), against the believers and the Muslims. 

Therefore, it was more appropriate for him to take his luggage from Madinah to a place called Al-Rabza, this is the place where Abu Dharr had chosen to migrate and settle. Salamah ibn al-Akwa (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) spent the rest of his life in Ar-Rabzah. In 74 AH, his burning desire took him to Madinah where he spent one or two days as a guest and on the third day he passed away. It is as if the sweet, moist soil of Madinah begged you to offer your body a cool, safe haven, as was offered to all the Companions and the pious and righteous martyrs before it.

Hadith Narrated By Salamah Ibn Al-Akwa (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) From Sahih Bukhari:

Once the Prophet ordered a person on Ashura (the tenth of Muharram) to announce, "Whoever has eaten, should not eat any more, but fast, and who has not eaten should not eat, but complete his fast (till the end of the day)."
[Sahih Bukhari- 147, Listed in: Fasting]

The Prophet ordered a man from the tribe of Bani Aslam to announce amongst the people that whoever had eaten should fast the rest of the day, and whoever had not eaten should continue his fast, as that day was the day of 'Ashura'.
[Sahih Bukhari- 225, Listed in: Fasting]

Once, we were sitting in the company of the Prophet (SAW), and a dead body was brought. The Prophet (SAW) was requested to lead the funeral salat (prayer) for the deceased. 
He said, "Is he in debt?" 
The people replied in the negative. 
He said, "Has he left any wealth?" 
They said, "No." So, he led his funeral prayer. Another dead person was brought and the people said, "O Allah's Messenger! Lead his funeral salat (prayer)." 
The Prophet (SAW) said, "Is he in debt?" 
They said, "Yes." 
He said, "Has he left any wealth?" 
They said, "Three Dinar." So, he led the funeral prayer. 
Then a third dead person was brought and the people said (to the Prophet), "Please lead his funeral prayer." 
He said, "Has he left any wealth?" 
They said, "No." 
He asked, "Is he in debt?" 
They said, ("yes! He has to pay) three Dinar." 
He [refused to offer funeral salat (prayer) and] said, "Then offer salat for your (dead) companion." Abu Qatada said, "O Allah's Messenger! Lead his funeral prayer, and I will pay his debt." So, he led the salat (prayer).
[Sahih Bukhari- 491, 

A dead person was brought to the Prophet (SAW) so that he might lead the funeral prayer for him. 
He asked, "Is he in debt?" 
When the people replied in the negative, he led the funeral prayer. Another dead person was brought and he asked, "Is he in debt?" 
They said, "Yes." 
He (refused to lead the prayer and) said, "Lead the prayer of your friend." 
Abu Qatada said, "O Allah's Apostle (SAW)! I undertake to pay his debt." 
Allah's Apostle (SAW) then led his funeral prayer.
[Sahih Bukhari- 497, 

On the day of Khaibar, the Prophet (SAW) saw fires being lighted. 
He asked, "Why are these fires being lighted?" 
The people replied that they were cooking the meat of donkeys. 
He said, "Break the pots and throw away their contents." 
The people said, "Shall we throw away their contents and wash the pots (rather than break them)?" 
He said, "Wash them."
[Sahih Bukhari-667, Listed in: Oppressions (Al-Mazalim)]

The Prophet (saw) passed by some people of the tribe of Bani Aslam who were practising archery. 
The Prophet said, "O Bani Ismail! Practice archery as your father Isma'il was a great archer. Keep on throwing arrows and I am with Bani so-and-so." So one of the parties ceased throwing. 
Allah's Apostle (SAW) said, "What is the matter with you! Why have you ceased throwing?" 
They replied, "How should we throw while you are with them (i.e. on their side)?" 
On that, the Prophet said, "Throw, and I am with all of you."
[Sahih Bukhari-2899, Listed in: Jihaad (Fighting for the cause of Allah)]

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