what is hadith | composition | categories | importance | ahad hadith

Muslims believe in oneness of ALLAH, who revealed his word to humanity through a line of special messengers known as prophets. ALLAH’s final prophet was Muhammad ﷺ , to whom the QURAN was revealed.

The Holy QURAN is the last Book of the Creator of the universe that He sent upon His Final Messenger, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ to be a source of enlightenment for the entire mankind. ALLAH also directed the believers to follow the footsteps of His Messenger ﷺ besides His Revelations in order to be successful.

"Say [O Muhammad], If you should love ALLAH, then follow me, [so] ALLAH will love you and forgive you your sins. And ALLAH is Forgiving and Merciful." [QURAN 3: 31]

The above mentioned Ayah clearly says that we cannot only take help from the QURANIC Commands rather we are also required to pursue Sunnah of the Holy Prophet ﷺ.

Arabic of sunnah is Habitual Practice spelled Sunna, the body of traditional social and legal custom and practice of the Islamic community, Along with the QURAN and HADITH. It is a major source of shariah, or Islamic law.


It is widely known among Muslims all over the world that any specific wording of the Messenger ﷺ of ALLAH on a given theme or topic of subject is called “Hadith”.


The collection and implementation of individual sayings transmitted from Muhammad ﷺ, known as Hadith.


Hadith is a thing that is mentioned about ALLAH’s Messenger ﷺ from: Speech, Approval, Action, Description of the physical characteristics or manners or biography; be it before the prophet hood or
after that.

The plural form of hadith in arabic is AHADITH. The hadith literature in use today is based on spoken reports in circulation after the death of Muhammad ﷺ. Unlike the QURAN, hadith were not promptly written down during Muhammad's ﷺ life or immediately after his death. Hadith were evaluated and gathered into large collections during the 8th and 9th centuries, generations after the death of Muhammad ﷺ. After the end of the era of the rashidun caliphate, over 1,000 km (620 mi) from where Muhammad ﷺ lived.


In general, hadith is composed of three basic components which are given below:

what is hadith | composition | categories | importance | ahad hadith

1. MATN (Content): It is the main passage which is the actual center of attraction for the reader. Normally, it tells about the right way of actions in different circumstances of life.

2. ISNAD (Sequence of Reporters): A series of correspondents through which Hadith has spread is called isnad.

3. TARAF (Introductory Text): The earlier portion of main substance which acts as a groundwork for further lesson present in the Saying. It usually acts as a reference towards the deeds or personality of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.


The taxonomy of the Prophetic ﷺ axioms has been very carefully divided according to different sets of classifications along with their further kinds.

what is hadith | composition | categories | importance | ahad hadith

Following are the five basic arrangements of hadiths on the basis of particular grounds:
  1. According to reference to a particular Authority
  2. According to the links of Isnad
  3. According to a number of reporters involved in each stage of isnad
  4. According to nature of Matn (text) and Isnad
  5. According to Authenticity of Correspondents/Reality and memory of the reporter

1. According to Reference to a Particular Authority

what is hadith | composition | categories | importance | ahad hadith

According to the research, Hadith is divided into four additional kinds under this category:

1. QUDSI (Divine): It is a Heavenly text which was directly sent upon the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, Who passed it on to His followers Himself.

2. MARFU (Elevated): It has got very important status in Islam as it was directly heard from the Messenger of ALLAH Himself by His companions and was brought forward.

3. MAUQUF (Stopped): It is a kind of command which was directly given by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to His cohorts who forwarded it.

4. MAQTU (Severed): It is a form of Instruction which is plainly described by Successor in his own words.

2. According to the links of Isnad

what is hadith | composition | categories | importance | ahad hadith

Hadith is further divided into six groups according to links of isnad:

1. MUSNAD (Supported): Isnad being reported by a well known companion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ although final narrator might not be with Him at that time.

2. MUTTASIL (Continuous): The one with undisturbed Isnad relating back to rightful friend or its heir.

3. MURSAL (Hurried): It missed a connection between the storyteller and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

4. MUNQATI (Broken): Hadith with a link being absent before it reaches the Successor of the actual narrator.

5. MU`ADAL (Perplexing): The hadith n which narrator misses multiple reported in an order in Isnad of the Hadith.

6. MU`ALLAQ (Hanging): It fails to spot the complete Isnad of the Hadith.

3. According to a number of reporters involved in each stage of isnad

what is hadith | composition | categories | importance | ahad hadith

It is divided into two more sub-groups:

A. MUTAWATIR (Consecutive): Hadith being reported such a large number of rightful companions that it is agreed upon as authentic.

B. AHAD (Isolated): The one which has been narrated by a countable number of people.
It has been further categorized into three sub-types:

a) MASH’HUR (Famous): Hadith which is related by more than two individuals.

b) AZIZ (Rare yet Strong): The one having only two reporters in its Isnad.

c) GHARIB (Strange): Saying of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ with only one narrator in its Isnad.

4. According to nature of Matn (Text) and Isnad

what is hadith | composition | categories | importance | ahad hadith

It is split into two major kinds:

A. MUNKAR (Denounced): A Hadith belonging to a weak reporter.

B. MUDRAJ (Interpolated): The one having some adding up of words to the authentic Hadith by its narrator.

5. According to Authenticity of Correspondents/Reality and memory of the reporters

what is hadith | composition | categories | importance | ahad hadith

It has the following four categories:

A. SAHIH (Sound): A hadith reported by a trustworthy reporter known for his truthfulness, knowledge, correct way of narrations etc.

B. HASAN (Good): The one whose reporters are know and is clear-cut.

C. DA'IF/DAEEF (Weak): A hadith ranking under that of Hasan because of failing to address the Isnad properly.

D. MAUDU (Fabricated): Hadith having wording opposite to the confirmed Prophetic ﷺ traditions.


Aahad Hadith are also proof and authority on us if they come to us with an authentic chain. Some people wrongly claim that Aahad Hadith are not proof in itself. Four evidences from many scholars have given are mentioned below:

a. ALLAH sent one Messenger in many times, if the statement of one is not acceptable even if truthful and a multitude is needed then ALLAH would have sent a multitude of Prophets.

b. ALLAH has told in QURAN (49:6) to check the statement of a Fasiq.If the statement of a reliable person was also not acceptable we would have been told.

"O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful." (QURAN 49:6)

c. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ sent one messenger and guide to teach to many places like Musab bin Umair رضي الله عنه, Ali رضي الله عنه, Muadh ibn Jabal رضي الله عنه. If the statement of a single teacher is not acceptable then the Prophet ﷺ would have sent a multitude.

d. The sahaba accepted the statements of individual Sahaba and did not think that it is not acceptable. The examples are innumerable like the person who brought the news of the change of the Qibla.


The Scholars of the Science of Hadith have given many proofs why we should not follow the weak (Daeef) Hadith. From among them we see the below mentioned 5 evidences.

ALLAH has said, “Do not follow that of which you have no knowledge”. The Daeef Hadith is not confirmed it is doubtful.

“And do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge”. (QURAN 17:36)

Daeef (Weak) Hadith is that in which the information is not confirmed, it has doubt and assumption about being correct.

“… Assumption avails not against the truth at all." (QURAN 53:28)

Beware of assumptions

The Prophet ﷺ said: "Beware of Assumptions, for the assumption is the worst of false tales.” [BUKHARI 1573, MUSLIM:2563A]

It is way of the Jews and Christians to follow that which is doubtful.

“They have no definite knowledge of the matter but are only following a conjecture.” (QURAN 4:157)

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ told to leave that which is doubtful.

The Prophet ﷺ said, “Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt" [TIRMIZI 2518]

The Prophet ﷺ said, “It is enough for a person to be considered a lie that he narrates all that he hears.” [MUSLIM]


We should not follow the fabricated ot mauzu ahadith because such hadith having wording opposite to the confirmed Prophetic ﷺ traditions.

The Prophet ﷺ said, "Whosoever tells a lie against me intentionally then surely let him occupy his seat in Hell-Fire." [BUKHARI 3461]


The Hadith is the unavoidable second souce os islam. Six points that emphasising the importance of the Hadith have been mentioned below. These points give strong evidence about the importance of Hadith and why are Ahadith an authority (Hujjah) on us.



"Say, Obey ALLAH and the Messenger But if they turn away then indeed, ALLAH does not like the disbelievers." (QURAN 3:32) 

Here ALLAH has referred to those who turn away from the Obedience of ALLAH and His Messenger ﷺ as disbelievers. (you can also see 4:14, 4:69, 5:92, 8:20, 8:24, 8:46, 24:47, 24:52, 24:54, 33:66, 33:71, 48:17 and 49:14 for other verses on the obedience of ALLAH and His Messenger ﷺ)

The phrase Obey ALLAH refers to the QURAN and the phrase Obey the Messenger refers to the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ


Why do we find such strong condemnation of those who refuse to Obey ALLAH and His Messanger ﷺ? The Reason is that Allah says in the QURAN in (4:80) 

"He who obey the Messenger ﷺ has obeyed ALLAH; but those who turn away, We have not sent you over them as guardian." (QURAN 4:80) 

ALLAH has mentioned that Prophet Muhammed ﷺ did not say anything of religion according to his own desires but under the inspiration and guidance of ALLAH. Hence whoever obeys the Messenger ﷺ in reality is obeying ALLAH! On the other hand whoever disobeys the Messenger disobeys ALLAH Almighty.


The Qur’an has its own status in the special reward that a person gets in recitation or the challenge to produce a surah like the QURAN.

"And if you (Arab pagans, Jews, and Christians) are in doubt concerning that which We have sent down (i.e. the Quran) to Our slave (Muhammad ﷺ)." (QURAN 2:23)

However when the matter comes to Obedience ALLAH has not differentiated between the QURAN and the Hadith. In matters of Obedience both are together! ALLAH mentions Obedience to Himself and his Messenger together in the QURAN repeatedly. This is because the Obedience of the Messenger ﷺ is actually Obedience of ALLAH.


ALLAH will preserve the saying of the Messenger ﷺ. When ALLAH has emphasized in so many places in the QURAN that the believers should obey the Prophet ﷺ, when He has connected this Obedience of the Messanger ﷺ to the Imaan of a person, when He has warned us of grievous consequences for not obeying the Messenger ﷺ then is it not ALLAH Himself who will preserve the sayings of His beloved Prophet ﷺ? 

"But if anyone opposes the Messenger after the guidance has become clear to him, and follows a path other than that of the believers, We will hand him over to whatever he has turned to, and We will roast him in Hell. What an evil destination!" (QURAN 4:115)

If ALLAH were not to preserve these then wouldn’t mankind argue on the day of Judgement that "O ALLAH you ordered us to obey the Prophet ﷺ but we never found the sayings of the Prophet!"


Hence Prophet Muhammed ﷺ was the explainer of the QURAN and the Sunnah is the explanation of the QURAN.

"...We have sent down unto thee (also) the Message; that thou may explain clearly to men what is sent for them and that they may give thought" (QURAN 16:44) 

The duty of the Prophet ﷺ of teaching the QURAN mentioned in the QURAN in 3:164, 62:2 refers to his duty of explaining the QURAN as mentioned as in this verse.


Law of Halaal and haraam are also mentioned in the Hadith. ALLAH has said clearly in the QURAN in Surah al-Hashr take what he gives you.

"And whatever the Messenger ﷺ has given you take; and what he has forbidden you – refrain from." (QURAN 59:7)

The Prophet gives Halaal and Haraam. Further ALLAH has also mentioned in the QURAN in Surah Al-Araf that what prophet makes lawful is pure and prohibited.

"He (the Prophet ﷺ) makes lawful for them that which is pure and prohibits them that which is evil.” (QURAN 7:157) 

Hence since Muhammed ﷺ was the lawgiver from ALLAH, the Hadith is the second source of Islamic law, which is obligatory to be followed by every believer as mentioned in point I above.
Indeed, there are many Haraam that have been declared Haraam by the Messenger of ALLAH ﷺ for example silk for men, gold for men, dragging the lower garment below the ankle, etc.

"Here is a Message for mankind." (QURAN 14:52)

How can the message of Islam be considered for the whole of mankind and for all times if the teachings and laws given by Messenger would not be preserved?


The Sunnah presents before us the example of the Prophet ﷺ as the ideal, the role model for every Muslim to follow. ALLAH has mentioned in the QURAN in Surah Al Ahzab

"There has certainly been for you in the Messenger ﷺ of ALLAH an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in ALLAH and the Last Day and [who] remembers ALLAH often." (QURAN 33:21)

When ALLAH has made the Messenger ﷺ as the example for us to follow, will it not be ALLAH Himself who will preserve the details of the life of His Messenger ﷺ so that we can truly follow him? How can we take the Messenger of ALLAH as an example for life, if we don’t know anything about him.


To solve differences we need to refer to both the QURAN and the Hadith. The Prophet ﷺ is the resolver of disputes it is imperative that all believers should refer all their differences and issues to the Prophet ﷺ.

"And We have not revealed to you the Book, [O Muhammad] except for you to make clear to them that wherein they have differed and as guidance and mercy for people who believe." (QURAN 16:64)

ALLAH has mentioned that He sent the QURAN to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ so that he would make clear those things in which people differ. If ALLAH wished he could have directly sent the QURAN to the people but he sent a Messenger who would explain what is therein and resolve The disagreements that people have.

Differences will continue to arise among people, to resolve these differences we have to “refer to” ALLAH and His Messenger i.e. the QURAN and the Hadith of the Prophet ﷺ. When ALLAH has given the Hadith this status, indeed, it is ALLAH Himself who will preserve the sayings of the Prophet ﷺ.


To save ourselves from going astray we need to hold on to both the QURAN and the Sunnah. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said I have behind two things.

Ibn Abbas transmits that the Messenger of ALLAH while delivering the sermon on his farewell Hajj stated: 
“I have left behind two things among you. After them you will never go astray: 
The Book of ALLAH and my Sunnah and they (i.e. these two) will not be separated until they meet me at the ‘Hauz’ (i.e. the pool of abundance (kauthar) on the Day of Judgement)”

This was among the parting advices that the Prophet ﷺ left for this Ummah and that is the way of saving this Ummah from deviations and distractions holding on firmly onto the QURAN and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

These are also important points to know the importance of hadith in short:

1. They are a source of knowledge for Muslims.
2. Helps Muslims to know the details regarding the Prophet’s life and teachings.
3. the details, as explained to the prophet by ALLAH, of many ritual worships.
4. Sources of many Islam morals, since they help Muslims in determining the prophet way to behave.
5. The detail and explain what is briefed in Quran.
6. Help Muslims to be closer to ALLAH by doing what He wills and abstaining from what He forbids.
7. Give direction on the performance of Sunnah acts.
8. They affirm the position held by the Prophet in Islam.
9. Confirm the Prophet’s teachings on various religious issues.
10. Hadith contains explanation of QURAN, law of haraam and halaal, to sole differences, to save going to astray, and know detail of prophet's ﷺ life.


Different branches of Islam refer to different collections of hadith, though the same incident may be found in hadith in different collections. In the Sunni branch of Islam, the canonical hadith collections are the SIX BBOKS which are:


what is hadith | composition | categories | importance | ahad hadith

HADITH narrated by any of twelve thousand companions of Muhammad. Many thousands of times more numerous than Quranic verses, ahadith have been described as resembling layers surrounding the “core” of the Islamic belief (the QURAN). Well-known, widely accepted hadith make up the narrow inner layer, with a hadith becoming less reliable and accepted with each layer stretching outward.

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